
Gurl, try this on!

/ Notice: English translations / 

Tuesday Date Special!

Vi tænkte det kunne være lidt sjovt at "style" hinanden - i hvert fald i cyber space ;) Så here goes:

We thought it would be fun to "style" each other - at least in cyber space ;) So here goes:

Anine styles Mette:

 Jacket: here   Necklace: here   Dresshere   Tightshere   Bootshere

Mette er måske ikke nogen "rock chick", men jeg tror det kunne klæde hende ;) så jeg er gået all in med et mørkt "biker outfit". Elsker jakken - et klassisk snit i uld men med biker detaljer som lynlåsene og kraven :) Mette ville se lækker ud i denne fitted jakke. 
Hun ser altid godt ud i kjoler, så har fundet den her cool kjole fra Topshop. Den gør også outfittet lidt feminint, som jeg synes Mette er :) og jeg vil ikke glemme hendes stil i min "makeover". Er vild med farven, som er god til efterår og vinter, og jeg synes det er ret fedt med den høje hals. Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at se Mette i et par high heels - selvom hun i forvejen er meget højere end mig ;) Støvlerne her er ren biker med slangemotiv og en chunky hæl, men stadig en fin højde til hverdag.
Selvom Mette eeeelsker at accessoriese ;) så har jeg kun valgt at give hende en halskæde til dette outfit, da jeg synes der i forvejen er mange fine detaljer i jakken, kjolen og skoene, som jeg ikke synes skal "pakkes væk" i for mange accessories. Til gengæld har jeg givet hende et par sjove tights med kattemotiv - hun elsker katte ;).

Mette might not be a "rock chick" but I think she would look nice in a rock chick outfit ;) so I've gone all in on this dark "biker outfit". I love the jacket - a classic cut in wool but with biker details like the zippers and the collar :) Mette would look hot in this fitted jacket.
Mette always looks great in dresses, so I've found this cool dress from Topshop. It adds some femininity to the outfit, and I think Mette is a feminine woman (wow a woman ;b) and I don't want to forget her style in my "make over". I love the color which is great for fall and winter, and I think it looks cool with the high neck. I would also love to see Mette in a pair of high heels - even though she's already way taller than me ;) The boots are pure biker with the snake skin and the chunky heel, but still a nice height for an everyday outfit.
Even though Mette looooves to accessories ;) I've only chosen a necklace for this outfit, because I think there's already a lot of details in the jacket, the dress, and the boots that I don't think should be hidden in too many accessories. BUT I've given her a pair of fun tights with cats - she loves cats ;).

Mette's opinion:
Duuhhh, I love it! I would love to try all of these items on and see how they look. Especially the jacket.. And the dress.. Okay, everything! And I'm glad she let me keep 1 accessory ;)

Mette styles Anine

Jep, der gik jeg lige lidt amok i Paint. Haha! Jeg synes faktisk, den her udforing var lidt svær, fordi jeg tror det meste vil se godt ud til den kære Nin... Men ville gerne se hende i flere kjoler, nederdele og strømpebukser! Det klæder hende sindssygt godt. Her har jeg taget en ret feminin og edgy nederdel og tilføjet chanel-looket, nemlig den stribede matrostshirt ;) Ovenover skulle hun bære denimvesten (åben). Da jeg ved, hun ikke er vild med at over-accessorize, som jeg jo nok er, så har jeg kun tilføjet en simpel ring og en nice beanie - da hun jo er lidt ghetto!! :D Da hun også er en rimelig stor sko-freak, har jeg valgt nogle vildt nice støvler, som er ret anderledes i snittet.. I like. Og for at lige give det sidste touch... En taske i slangeskind. C'mon. Det er sejt! Håber du kan lide min style, Nin! :)

Yeah, I went a bit crazy in Paint.. Haha! I actually found this challenge quite difficult, since I believe that most clothes look awesome on my dear Nin... However, I would love to see her in more dresses, skirts and tights! It suits her so well. Here, I've taken a pretty feminine yet edgy skirt and added the Chanel-look, the striped sailor tshirt ;) Over that she would be wearing the denim West (open). Since I know she doesn't like to over-accessorize, which I probably do too often, I've only added a simple ring and a nice beanie - she is a bit ghetto!! :D Since she's a shoe-freak, I've chosen some awesome boots with a different cut. And to give the extra something.. A purse in snake skind. C'mon, that's cool! I hope you like my style, Nin! :)

Anine's opinion:

Guuuurl, I love it! First of all I need to give you some credit on your Paint skills... You can like it :D
I think the outfit is quite cool - a cool Parisean look :D I love how you incorporated my style with some feminine touches :D And the shoes - gotta comment on them shoes - I loooove cut out boots so that's spot on! :) Yay! 

2 kommentarer:

  1. I love it!!! :D
    Jeg elsker begge outfits! Især kjolen som Nin har stylet til Bæbse :D Den er flot! Og så elsker jeg vesten som Bæbse har stylet til Nin!!
    Jeg kan godt lide at I har kommenteret på hinandens styles :) God ide til blog!

  2. To participate a formal party you always need a good dress. For me, I love wearing a white sheath dresses. It makes me look sexy and it's comfortable.
